It Works!
What are our students and parents saying:
**All names have been changed for privacy purposes
We love Coach K!!
Coach K was amazing to work with our A*. She made reading fun and interesting. She was flexible and understanding. A* went from having very little confidence in reading and hardly reading, to reading chapter books! She learned how to strengthen her eyes. She grew a confidence in reading that was missing before Coach K was around. We will always be grateful for the time A* spent under Coach K’s care and guidance! A* asks when she can start reading with Coach K again all the time and asks if we can invite her over to dinner! So you’re welcome anytime Coach K!! We love you so much!!
-Lauren J. UT
6th Grader's Excitement
I am so happy that I am doing this [with Coach K]! I used to always struggle in school and remembering things. Now I am the one remembering and always answering the questions my teacher asks. School is so much easier now!
-E.M.O. 6th grader UT
Honor Roll Student!
Reading was so difficult for M* and she was always put in lower classes because of how much she struggled. She was broken and had zero confidence in herself when she finally went to Coach K. She kept saying that there was no reason to read and she would just become an artist so she didn’t need to read. After working with Coach K for several months, M has grown into a completely different child! She has so much confidence now. She even carries herself differently! This program has been a completel lifesaver for M, and our entire family. We don’t know where we would be without Coach K. To top it off M made it on the honor roll in her first term of school! She has NEVER even come close to getting on the honor roll! Now she says school is so much easier for her and not as stressful. HUGE WIN!

Thank you for EVERYTHING Coach K!
“I am grateful I was able to go through the program. It has helped me in all aspects of my life. Thank you for being willing to be patient with me and my stubbornness. I am thankful you were willing to continue [coaching] me even when I was being so stubborn at the beginning. Thank you for just being amazing!”
-M M. (Highschool student, UT)
The gratitude for Coach K has only grown!
“The gratitude I have felt for you has only grown! I can’t thank you enough for the gift you have been in M’s* life. You have not only helped her with reading and comprehension, but her confidence is so much more than it has ever been. Your optimism, your love, the joy you brought to every session. You were a guiding light in her life. Thank you just doesn’t seem to cover it. You are a blessing and I will always be grateful to you for everything you have blessed M* with. We truly love you and will always be thankful for you.”
-Nicola M.
My Headaches Are Gone!
“I used to get headaches every single day. I would complain to Mom all the time about them and couldn’t ever get them to go away. Ever since I started doing the exercises they have stopped coming!”
8 year old Utah Student- “Mr. M”
Fastest Growth Ever Seen!
“I just got done with T’s parent teacher conference. The teacher showed me the DIBELS. He stated that in all the years that he has been teaching (he’s 55) he has only seen this massive of a jump in 2 other students! He was completely blown away!”
-Mom to 6th grade Student
I can’t believe my spelling and reading speed now! Schoolwork was hard and being able to read was even harder until I started this program. Writing essays and paragraphs are now so easy for me! I can easily figure out how to word things because of how much my vocabulary has grown and how much better I can spell. I was also so suprised how much it has helped me with my artwork- specifically drawing. I am able follow where my pencil is going and where to draw so much easier which has made my final pieces so much better! The program was realy hard for me at first because I didn’t want to do it. I am so so glad that I did because it was such a help with me being able to succeed in many areas of my life! I has been such a huge confidence builder! Thank you Vision Reading Academy for changing my life!
-Utah Jr High Student, Miss “B”
You Believed in Me!
“I was just a little kid in elementary school and man was it hard to want to be at school. I knew if I went they would ask me to read and write. I hated it. I never knew why I hated it so much and I didn’t really care. The bottom line was I hated it. Going through middle school I had it all figured out how to not have to read in front of anyone and it was awesome. At that point I still had to read on my own, and it was hard to remember what I was reading. I went through a phase of believing I was born stupid and just would never understand reading. Going through high school I tried my best but found it easier to cheat off friends. (not sure I should admit to it, but oh well)
I got my concussion and my life flipped. I had to pause and heal myself. Then right back to real life and things with my talking, balance, reading, everything was just different. At this point I knew that I needed help to get to where I want to be. A friend told us about Coach K and Vision Reading Academy. We started working together and in six months I was done. I graduated!! It took time and commitment from me but I knew if I put my mind to it and followed the program I’d be done!
I have seen so many wins big and small in my life. Things like driving past a road sign and being able to read it. Or reading passages and remembering what I just read!!! I honestly never ever thought I would be able to, but here we are and I can!! In the sport I compete in I can tell that my reaction time is a lot quicker. And so many other wins!! The list goes on!!
Coach K, THANK YOU!!!! You believed in me and that’s probably the only reason I trusted the process till I saw improvements. The love and support you showed every single call gave me the love and support I needed to give this my all. I will always and forever be so thankful for you!!
-T.A. (Highschool Rockstar!)
“This is the greatest thing we’ve ever done for her!”
I don’t want to mention this at our meeting this afternoon in case it embarrasses E*, but she has actually started self correcting her speech (when she is just talking and not reading anything). She’s always had a bit of a stutter and mixes words up and I attributed it to English as a second language problems. I’m not sure if it’s a coincidence or if you’ve heard of any other cases like that but I thought I’d pass it along! My husband said this morning after helping her with her exercises “this is the greatest thing we’ve ever done for her!”
Mom to 12 yo E*
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